Are you ready to take on the beasts?

Dive into the ultimate food showdown at Gourmeltz with the "Zilla vs Kong Food Challenge." It's not for the faint of heart.

Challenge Description

Participants will face off against a towering 2lb King Kong Pretzel and a monstrous 1/4lb Zilla Dogg, loaded to the brim with all-beef hotdog goodness, smothered in coleslaw, pickles, and mustard.

The challenge?

Devour this feast in under 20 minutes.

Rules & Constraints

Time Limit

All food must be completely consumed within 20 minutes from the start signal.

Solo Challenge

This is a solo venture. One participant per challenge entry.

Drink Policy

Participants are allowed unlimited drinks during the challenge, but remember, stomach space is precious!

No Assistance

Challengers cannot receive help in eating the meal or preparing it for easier consumption.

Stay Seated

Participants must remain seated for the duration of the challenge.

Clean Plate

To conquer the challenge, every bite must be eaten, including all toppings and sides.


Conquer the challenge in less than 20 minutes, and your meal is on us.*

Winners will also receive a free “Zilla vs Kong Food Challenge” tee (coming soon) and their photo on the Wall of Champions.

If the Zilla and Kong defeat you, a $25 "Kaiju Fee" will be your trophy.

*Your meal is on us means we waive the $25 fee; this does not include drinks and or other items you or your party order while competing in this challenge.

Ready to prove your might? 

Are you the next legend of Gourmeltz, or will you bow to the might of Zilla and Kong? Join us for an epic battle of appetite and willpower. 

custom Godzilla and King Kong illustrations were created for GOURMELTZ by talented artist, Footmark